Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Keep Practicing

Had a cover up done today!
Just a little reminder very time I look down to keep practicing!

Paint Mask

Finally got some work done tonight, just samples and still can't find any X-ACTO knifes, had the weed these holding a blade between my fingers (oh ya find the extra blades), moving has it's trying times!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Spent a good full hour clean and organizing, now have about 10 sq ft to work in....
Got the vinyl cutter setup and have a couple paint masks to do later tonight.

And just about done the 'honey do list'.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Art Studio

After long reflection on the little space, it's not going to work, the limited space has many safety issues and a very large expense, to get fresh air into the room when painting (safety).

The new plan!
Insulate the two car garage, add a heater and ventilation.
So no more eating out and buying coffee, time to save money for the insulation and drywall.

And the biggest hurdle is emptying the garage, it's full of stuff from the old house and candy machines!

So if you are reading this and are business or property owner in Clarington I have and very nice candy machine for your high traffic store!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

VW Hall Table

Finish Pinstriping last weekend at Autofest and sold this weekend, BUT just realized I never took a photo of it finished :(

Friday, August 29, 2014


Great weekend at Autofest,
lots of very nice cars and people

The charity auction was one of the best to date!

Below is a sample of what I painted Sunday, it's Penelope Pit Stop on a bowling pin and is far from finished, keep checking back for updates.