Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mad Peanut Shift Knob

Painted at MegaSpeed, $40 and up, to paint most Jimmy Flintstone shift knobs.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

MegaSpeed Custom Car & Truck Show

This weekend is the MegaSpeed Show, old show name was Proformance World Car Show.. Last year there was 43 Pinstripers, the turn out should be the same this year, so there will be no lineups to get you items pinstriped!
I'll be there all three days Pinstriping and telling lies!
Hope to see you there..

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vintage Torque Fest

Charity auction panel for Helping Hannah's Heart, John Wells sends these panels out blank to Pinstripers and other artists.  Each year is a different theme, this year he sent out Rat Finks.  Had a blast painting this Fink and hope the best for the Foundation and the Family's it helps.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

23K Gold Install

Winter finally came the same day I installed the gilded sign, design and built by yours truly. 1-Shot paint, letters are 23k german gold leaf with black outlines and the trim is all recycled hardwood.
Barry J. Carmichael is a very good Family Lawyer if your going though a rough patch.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The end of a book

Gold William
Here's where I end my night, I'd love to stay up all night but there's still lots to do at the 9-5 and I finished off a book of gold leaf. Outline still to be done.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

deviantART, pinstriping by the ton! largest online social network for artists, it's a great collective and you can buy prints and other merchandise if you would like to see or buy something let me know..

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Solid Adhesion

Making sure these letters have had good adhesion has taken up more of my waking moments that I care to admit. After several test panels to make sure I could have a nice finish as well as good adhesion, I went with masking off the area where the raised lettering would be, coated out the sign board (MDO) ,removed the mask and then secured the letters to the sign, leaving a nice finish and rock solid letters.